English version (En français plus bas)

1.INSTALL Thank you for your contribution. First, download and install the "Indie-Pocket" smartphone application. Follow this link on your smartphone to download and open the file: https://go.epfl.ch/indie-pocket-download -EPFL is still an "Untrusted enterprise developer" on iOS? This is how to install custom enterprise apps: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT204460 (-Can't find the file? It's probably on your "download forder" named like : "app-debug-0.4.1.apk")

It's a beta version. When you open the file to install, you should probably skip some "security warnings" depending on your smartphone.


2. OPEN The app will record data from different sensors. It's explained in the description page when you open the app. Please read it before selecting "Start Measure".


3. START/RECORD 3.1 CHOOSE YOUR ACTIVITY The app will collect data during different defined activities. To indicate the activity you plan to do for the next few minutes, select one "placement" (where your phone will be located) and one "action". Then press "Record" to start recording data. (By front/back pocket we mean pants or shorts pockets) 3.2 CHANGE YOUR ACTIVITY You can modify the activity you plan to do anytime. Just select another combination of "placement" and "action". It's still recording, ready for your next activity. No need to use "pause" button.

4. PAUSE RECORDING/INTERRUPT YOUR ACTIVITY You can interrupt your activity anytime or choose not to record for a moment. Press "pause" and it will suspend the data recording. Then press "Record" to continue or "Stop" to finish. You can change your activity during "Pause" mode if you want.

5. STOP/FINISH When you finished recording press "Stop". 5.1 You're happy with your data collection? Sent it to our server and press "STOP AND UPLOAD" 5.2 It was just an exercice? Don't collect these data and press "STOP AND DISCARD" 5.3 You pressed "Stop" by mistake? Just press "CONTINUE RECORDING"

6. CLOSE THE APP You are encouraged to start over as much as you want. But if you're done for today, close the app and it wont recorded anything

7. TIME COUNTER A line at the bottom of your screen give you informations about: 7.1 "Uploaded time": It's the activity duration you already recorded and uploaded data since you install this app. The more you have, the better for research :-) 7.2 "Recording now": It's the duration recorded since your last upload. It also turns to 0' if you choose to "stop and discard"

8. COLORS OF "PLACEMENT" AND "ACTIONS" After some records, boxes will turn from red to yellow and then green. The green are the ones you recorded the most. You're encouraged to try the red and yellow ones to tun it to green.

9. DEVELOPPER INFORMATION The last line indicates the number of datapoints you've recorded.


Refresh rate may depend on your phone, and we made it possible for it to keep up with the data if necessary. Please try to use the fastest rate first (Crazy) and slow down if you experience issues with the app.


1. INSTALLER Merci pour ta contribution. Avant tout, télécharge et installes l'application pour smartphone "Indie-Pocket" ("C'est-dans-la-poche!"). Ouvres ce lien sur ton smartphone pour télécharger le fichier: https://go.epfl.ch/indie-pocket-download -EPFL est encore un "Developpeur entreprise non approuvé" on iOS? Voici comment installer une Installation application d’entreprise personnalisée: https://support.apple.com/fr-ch/HT204460 (-Tu ne retrouves pas le fichier? Il est probablement dans ton "dossier download/telechargement" sous un nom comme: "app-debug-0.4.1.apk)

C'est une version préliminaire. Quand tu ouvres le fichier pour installer, tu devras probablement ignorer quelques "avertissements de securité" selon ton model de smartphone.